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AVR Veterans Foundation
Serving Those That Have Served Others!
We provide grants and assistances to service members for out of pocket housing needs,care package relief, and civilian transition services.
2021 - Provided over 500 care packages for multiple forward deployed commands.
2022 - Provided 684 care packages direct to services members to deployed Air Force, Marine, and Navy commands.
2023 - PRESENTING SPONSOR ($5k Donation) with End Of Watch Foundation supporting police officers that died in the line of duty.
*** Donation of $500 to Hurlburt Field First Sergeant Association to provide Thanksgiving meals.
*** Coord w/ local elementary schools to have students write letters thanking them for their service.
*** Collected letters sending in care packages to that are currently deployed. 2000 letters collected and mailed out.
2024 - Supporting local Coast Guard family that lost ALL household good during PCS.
*** 4th Annual Care Campaign and FREE community event underway and set for Oct 26th, 2024.
DONATE HERE: It is Easy!!!